Deploy your Astro site to Vercel Edge Functions
Deploy your Astro site to Vercel Edge Functions
Try out different fonts on your website by putting a font picker in the Astro Dev Toolbar
Fathom Analytics tracking for your Astro site.
Lighthouse Pagespeed insights within the Astro dev toolbar
Download images at build time! Supports Iconify icons and arbitrary images.
Very temporary and Unofficial Sanity Astro integration
This package allows you to import SVGs as Astro components, using ultrahtml and Vite's support for raw imports to do the trick.
Display a progress bar between page navigations when using View Transitions
A flexible, accessible pagination component for displaying links to next, previous, first, last and a window of pages in your Astro site.
Pull in values from remote JSON files or remote code blocks at build time.
An easy way to customize the syntax highlighting of MDX fenced code blocks by providing your own Astro component.
Progressively enhanced. This component globally override regular `title` attributes on all links with Tippy.js tooltips.
This facilitates the creation and usage of global, immutable data for Astro apps.
Matomo integration for Astro
Make some routes only available in dev mode.
An Astro component for rendering a responsive <picture> element for an image fetched from Sanity
This package is a set of components and functions that make things easier to accomplish with Astro. It's a library that has functions that are useful for conditional rendering and iteration. It has a link component which is useful
The Astro adapter of AWS Serverless
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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