Use Emotion CSS to style your Astro site.
Use Emotion CSS to style your Astro site.
An Astro integration for the Headless CMS
Use Mithril components within Astro
Astro Integration for MDX-enhanced directive notation
Astro component that makes it easy to render themeable svg file icons.
Custom elements renderer for ssr
(actually, no filters yet)
This Astro component simplifies the process of adding monetization links to your Astro sites.
Use Elm components within Astro
This is an unofficial template meant to ease the development of components for Astro that are intended for distribution.
Deploy your site to Netlify
Extend Astro Routing
Sections for astro
AstroJS utility to resolve ES6 import/export for client side JavaScript
Control rendering modes for all pages and endpoints in your Astro project right from the configuration.
astro-out-proxy provides an easy way to intercept external links in an Astro app
An Astro integration that adds support for CSV files in data collections
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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