Supercharge your links. This component detects external / anchor / same domain / mail / telephone `href`, and apply optimizations accordingly.
Supercharge your links. This component detects external / anchor / same domain / mail / telephone `href`, and apply optimizations accordingly.
> Allows Astro to run your SSR site with the Bun's native API `Bun.serve`.
Astro component to display a print-friendly and minimalist CV inspired by BartoszJarocki/cv
Custom elements renderer for ssr
A pure css and html modal component for Astro
Phosphor icons as Astro components
A simple art direction for Astro.
A zero-dependency Astro Integration that generates a `sprite.svg` from SVG files in your Astro project.
Embed YouTube videos with a static placeholder which only embeds when you click
Deploy your site to a Deno server
Browse Astro Content Collections, schemas and entry files in your browser
DAKS.DEV Astro software development kit
Add page number buttons for pagination. Automaticly add and disable numbers as current page number.
Easily add performant, SEO-friendly comments to your Astro blog with JamComments.
The easiest way to add authentication to your Astro project!
An Astro component for Pintora diagrams
Use components to control flow in Astro
Add aliasing support to Astro, JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS files from tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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